
The role of chlorine in pools and water safety

Chlorine is essential for maintaining pool and water safety, ensuring our summer activities are safe and enjoyable. When added to pool water, chlorine forms hypochlorous acid, a powerful disinfectant that kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. It also oxidizes organic contaminants like sweat and body oils, preventing unpleasant odours and cloudy water. Maintaining proper chlorine levels (1-3 ppm) and pH balance (7.2-7.6) is crucial for its effectiveness, while regular testing and occasional shock treatments help keep the water pristine.

Beyond recreational use, chlorine plays a vital role in global water sanitation efforts, contributing significantly to Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) for clean water and sanitation. Chlorine is widely used in municipal water treatment facilities worldwide to purify drinking water, making it safe for consumption. This ensures the availability of clean water, essential for health, development, and well-being. Handling chlorine with care and following safety guidelines ensures its powerful benefits are maximized safely, supporting both personal and public health. Want to learn more? Visit Chemical Safety Facts for more information.

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