The World Chlorine Council

is a global network of national and regional trade associations and their member companies representing the chlorine and chlorinated products industries.


See WCC’s succinct history of the chlor-alkali industry

Take a look here at WCC’s new publication celebrating 250 years of improving lives with chlor-alkali chemistry to see the biggest milestones from the 18th century onwards. This new resource also features four of the WCC main goals of Communications, Engagement, Safety and Sustainability. Contact if you need any […]

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The World Chlorine Council (WCC) produces resource materials to support active engagement and sharing of knowledge with WCC's partners and the public.

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Did You Know?

Chlor-alkali chemistry can help save a person’s life in an automobile accident?

Chlor-alkali chemistry helps ensure billions of people don’t go hungry?

Chlor-alkali chemistry helps friends and families stay in touch?

Chlor-alkali chemistry can help capture the power of the sun?

Chlor-alkali chemistry helps you stay healthy and treat you when you’re sick?

Chlor-alkali chemistry is the last line of defense for soldiers and police officers?

Many personal hygiene items are dependent on chlor-alkali chemistry, including mouthwash, toothpaste and soap.


Chlorine chemistry is essential to help achieve many of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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