
WCC Global Safety Seminar Achieves Success in Johor Bahru

We are thrilled to report that the Global Safety Seminar, organized by the World Chlorine Council (WCC) in collaboration with the Chemical Company of Malaysia (CCM), was an outstanding success! Held in the picturesque city of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, from 13-14 June 2023, this event brought together industry experts, professionals, and organizations from around the world to enhance safety practices in the chlorine production industry.

The highlight of the seminar was the exclusive facility tour at a nearby CCM production site. Attendees had the opportunity to witness cutting-edge practices firsthand as they were guided through the operational processes and safety measures involved in chlorine production. In addition to the enriching knowledge exchange, the Global Safety Seminar fostered exceptional networking opportunities. Professionals from numerous countries gathered to share their experiences, challenges, and successes in the field of chlorine production safety. The event created a platform for collaboration, allowing participants to build valuable connections and broaden their perspectives.

We were honored to welcome representatives from Malaysia, India, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Republic of Korea, United States, Pakistan, and The Netherlands. The diverse representation truly exemplified the collective commitment towards safety in the chlorine production industry.

Moreover, we were delighted to have an official from Malaysia’s Department of Safety and Hazard (DOSH), also known as the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), present at the seminar. Their presence reinforced the importance of collaboration between regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders to ensure the highest safety standards are met.

The success of this seminar would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our Global Safety Team Leader, Robyn Brooks, and the entire organizing committee. Their tireless efforts ensured a seamless experience for all participants, enabling them to focus on gaining knowledge, building connections, and advancing safety practices.

We extend our gratitude to all the attendees, presenters, and sponsors for their contributions to the Global Safety Seminar. Your enthusiasm and commitment to safety have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the chlorine production industry.

As the WCC, we remain steadfast in our commitment to driving safety excellence. We believe that by sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and advocating best practices, we can create a safer future for the entire chlorine production sector.

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